I already posts a message a week back in Honda activa section, got some reply(thnx for some suggestion), still wanted some more clearity before stick to a specific scooter. <br>
I sorted out two scooter, either Activa or Nova 135, which would be suitable for me based on my physical condition. I am totally confused what to go for.
About my disability condition. It happned because of an accident 5 years back.
1.Right leg is not even bending 70 degree.
2.Left leg has low strength , arround half that of right leg.
3.Hight is 6ft.
4.Weight is 85+Kg.
Looking for following
1.Obiviously Need more power.
2.Bit more mileage.
4.Sitting comfort.
5.Good riding balance and reliable.
Should not have any trouble in traffic.
8.Both me and my wife would be driving the scooter.
Seat size should be big and wide, bcoz I will be sitting some where in middle so that I can put my leg properly.
Self start is already there, if any problem comes I wont be able to do kick start particularly in full traffic.
All comments are welcome.