Date of Purchase : 12-August 2008
Date of accident : 21-August-2008
Dealer Name : Durga Syndicate Automobile division, 4-2-766-769, Ramkote circle Hyderabad 500095
Price: : 35200
Down payment :16000.
My wife was taking my four year old daughter for short ride in the morning at 7:50 AM. Start point is my house parking area. As soon as she pressed the ignition button, the bike took off without any acceleration. There was a lorry passing by on the main road which passes right in front of the main gate.
To avoid the disaster she turned the bike into the bushes on the left side of my house. The kid fell into the bushes and my wife escaped with some injuries on the leg. Her life and my daughters life was saved.
I came running out to see what happened by Gods grace both were fine. My wife narrated the entire incident and I failed to believe it so I tried starting the bike my self. The moment I started it, it took off again without acceleration and this time I turned the bike towards the compound wall where it stopped.
Had this incident taken place on the busy roads of Hyderabad my wife would have had no option to turn the bike into the bushes and could have lost her life. They are yet to recover from the trauma. My daughter is scared to go near the bikes.
Just in - The dealer has agreed to take the vehicle back and give a complete refund, however I have refused the offer. I am filing a consumer case and a criminal complaint tomorrow.