Great Performance, Great Style & Look, Great Pickup, Great Milage, Great Storage, Great Service & so many Greats...!!! But WILL Nova135 remain Great in the LONG RUN ?. I have selected seven Nova135 (NV1, NV2, ., NV7) & This Test Report based on only those seven novas . I think it will be enough to make right choice for gearless scooter, specially to overcome the Nova135 & Activa confusion.
All the seven Nova135 belongs to different owners from different places & dealers of West Bengal.
NV 1
Completed 7825 km, Done 4 Service, milage 49 to 53 kmpl.
CDI unit changed at 2840 km otherwise no problems except regular maintenance.
NV 2
Completed 6476 km, Done 3 Service, milage 48 to 51 kmpl.
No Problems except regular maintenance.
NV 3
Completed 5891 km, Done 3 Service, milage 48 to 50 kmpl.
Fuse blown twice, Defective Fuel Cock changed.
NV 4
Completed 3839 km, Done 2 Service, milage 45 to 49 kmpl.
Two blub fused & changed, Carburettor Adjusted twice additional to regular maintenance.
NV 5
Completed 2230 km, Done 2 Service, milage 44 to 48 kmpl.
No Problems except regular maintenance
NV 6
Completed 0984 km, Done 1 Service, milage 42 to 46 kmpl.
No Problems except regular maintenance
NV 7
Completed 0181 km, Done 0 Service, milage 38 to 42 kmpl.
Initial production had some problems with the CDI unit. All the owner NV1 to NV6 are very much satisfied with their nova with very few complains on electrical units. Head light is not so powerful as compare to this 135cc scooter.
How Is Nova135 ?
- - - The Good - - -
> Great Power+Pickup+Look+Storage Space+Good milage+Good Dealers Service+Maintainance free.
> A World Class Power to Weight unit at 69.72 ps/ton with Bendex Clutch applied to ensure & maintain the fuel efficiency & machine performance at present & for the long run.
> Power & milage is perfectly matched in Nova135 which is manufactured after oct 2004.
> Smooth free flow riding.
- - - The Bad - - -
> Engine Noise, Hot Under seat Storage Space, Unstable over 75 km speed, Low ground clearance (100mm), No side Protection. Weak Head Light.
AAHO Utilities
Mobile Charging Point ::Very Innovative & modern but battery drains very quickly, Need more powerful battery & adopter.
Milage Expert ::Thank God ! A BUZZER is provided to stoped the BEEP sound, Just remember that U have to drive between 25 to 45 speed to get the maximum milage.
Under Seat Light ::Good idea but light focus should be slightly down for better dark view. Its too hot!!.
Ladies Foot Rest ::Small & fixed, should be foldable. Good thing is that two plion can set their foot very comfortably.
Puncture Resistant Tyre ::Good but this the present standard, Kinetic cant claim credit for this unless it is tube less.
> Follow all the Points mention in your manual.
> Tune your NOVA135 @40 kmpl milage for the first 1000 km. This will be good for ther future performance & NEVER RUN NOVA135 ABOVE 45 KM SPEED FOR THE FIRST 1000 km; OR U WILL FIND GRADUALLY DECREASING MILAGE IN THE LONG RUN.
> Change engine oil in every 1400 km.
> Can go for new fitment (40 watt Xenon) to improve Head Light Power.
> Tyres Pressure always (front/rear) : 21/30.
> Give your machine a five min. rest after 1 hr. continuous drive / 50 km at a time.
> With careful driving, after three service u should get milage 47-52 kmpl (city), 51-56 kmpl (high road). If not, contact your dealers.
> Buy Nova which is manufactured after oct 2004.
> Never use self start in the morning (this will save your battery).
> Check & Charge your battery once in a month.
> Driving in the rain not perfect for this Scooter.
> Ensure that the CDI is made of Kinetic while u purchase Nova135.
> While u take a test drive, keep the speed @ 20 km, hold the handle with one hand & watch for the balance of the Scooter.
> If your Nova135 is not Tune properly, u will not get the best of it.
> Two Looking Glass can be unlike by many but this two glasses will protect the two side of your Nova135.
[ Calculated using 100ml Petrol, Payload 126 kg. Tyre Pressure 21/33. Test after Three Service on NV2. ]
> speed less than 10 km. Run 3.71 km i.e Milage 37.1 kmpl.
> speed 10 to 20 km. Run 3.97 km i.e Milage 39.7 kmpl.
> speed 15 to 25 km. Run 4.21 km i.e Milage 42.1 kmpl.
> speed 20 to 30 km. Run 4.39 km i.e Milage 43.9 kmpl.
> speed 25 to 35 km. Run 4.67 km i.e Milage 46.7 kmpl.
> speed 30 to 40 km. Run 5.37 km i.e Milage 53.7 kmpl.
> speed 40 to 50 km. Run 5.12 km i.e Milage 51.2 kmpl.
> speed 45 to 55 km. Run 4.76 km i.e Milage 47.6 kmpl.
> speed 60 to 70 km. Run 4.07 km i.e Milage 40.7 kmpl.
> More than 70 km. Run 35.6 km i.e Milage 35.6 kmpl.
So, it is clear that most milage friendly speed is between 30 to 40 km & Nova135 is not made for the speed brakers. If U want speed more than 50 km, then it is btter to go for any Motorcycle.
Why Honda Activa see more in the road than NOVA135 ?
Activa is three years old model & has the Brand Name. We Indians has a typical Psyco on Brand Name than performance. AAHO did not projected to the mass & the AAHO advertisement stopped within a month. Activa is Rs 1000/- less than Nova135. From the last two years, most honda dealers are cheat the Indians in the name of a world class brand but the TRUTH has unfolded, Activas are now getting gradually decreasing milage (even 25 kmpl !!!).
Why Nova 135 engine is so Noisy?
I dont think so, after all 135cc engine should make a noise, Noise is a concern when U run it above 75 km speed.
What kind of Petrol should I use?
Manual suggest atleast actane 87 petrol, U can use upto 91 octane petrol for better milage & performance.
All the owners of Nova ( NV1 ... NV7 ) are very much satisfied (with minor problems) with their scooter performance & service of their respective kinetic delars. About the Milage, atleast they dont LIE like Honda. Please DONT GO FOR BRAND NAME, just go through the reviews of Honda Activa, Your confusion will gone.
If U want Power, Gearless Comfort, Drive Within 50 km speed & ready to spend Rs. 100/- more (compare to any 100cc motorcycle) monthly for Petrol, then I think, NOVA135 is the BEST JUSTIFIED CHOICE.
On Road Price : Rs. 50, 000/- to Rs. 62, 000/-
Total Fuel Cost @ 60 kmpl : 500 Lrts x 43/- = Rs. 21, 500/-
Total Running Cost : Rs. 71, 500 to Rs. 83, 500/-
On Road Price : Rs. 43, 000/-
Total Fuel Cost @ 45 kmpl Milage : 667 Lrts x 43/- = Rs. 28, 681/-
Total Running Cost : Rs. 71, 681/-
If u r still confuse about Nova135 or still have question, please feel free to mail me at <>.
Please dont forget to rate this review.
I will edit this review every now & then.
Bye for now.
Update on 20th Mar05.