In the edge of sluggish sale of scooters the kinetic motor has lunched the new NOVA dlx with agreat hope of new business.althouth the idea is not a bad one but in fact looking the accessories fitted in the segment can make it the market leader.having the 113.5 cc engine with a4 stroke air cooled engine the nova can have amaximum speed of 76
kmph with a variety of electric and kick start the scooter segment its also have the same
power as others of a 7.2 bhp.also a weight of 103 kgs is not amore one for the teenagers.kinetic motor has lunched 4 colours of it in first session of launching.the main specification of this scooter unlike others is having amileage maximiserMMXtechnology in it.which helps it for agreater mileage as like any bikes as this technology includes a built in microprocessor in it.
so it helps the rider by giving a beep sound for riding asmoother and petrolsaving riding throughout the journey. like time of ccelerating it beeps for agreater speed and in slow riding beeps for aspeed to save the petrol .also in highest speed it beeps to be slow for a smoother and problem free ridig with agreat engine performance.the new
style of euro styling body helps the rider to breath out
through the itis now a great option for the tenagers to have a ride they have longed with new more dazzling features the new nova will make the scooter byers to have asecond thought.