Let me jump to the negatives. I urge you to check out these points and only then go for the Nova. I bought the bike for 2 reasons: 1. The Scooter of the Year Ad and 2. My close frind is a great fan of Sulajja Motwani
Well here come the negatives:
The ground clearance is less - you are bound to hit the speed breakers.
This hitting might cause problems like the center stand getting damaged (in my case - one nut came off and the stand was dangling) or may lead to an oil leak.
Reflectors on the back of the rear view mirrors are stuck with glue - they are bound to come off. Needs refinement. For those who did not experience this - lets wait for the rains to dissolve the glue!
Clutch problem or whatever - the bike shakes and coughs when accelerating at low speeds or trying to keep up speed at traffic lights. This is a major problem. Problem rectified by service engineer.
Check for all the screws fitting the panels to the scooter - one or two might be nmissing - Shoddy assembly.
My dealer (Saboo - RP Road, Hyd) told me to get my battery serviced separately - Thats a pain.
Not too great for steep slopes - does not pull 2 people too well.
The positives:
A smooooooth ride with excellent pickup for one person - for 2 persons - I felt it was better than the activa in pulling.
Mileage seems to be ok - never really monitored properly.
Service is good.
Ofcourse I would like you to go for the Nova - because that feels better than the Activa - But do ride them both - Its a lot of money (40+) and you have to really do some testing before you spend that much.