I hought I will share my experience after 6 months of owning this flyte of fantasy. I am still firm on a lot of facts which I mentioned in my last review. Just a few things that are cool about it and just a few concerns.
Whats cool: Great ride. Easily touches 75kmph even in city, lots of spare to carry things other than your full face helmet, trouble free(so far.touchwood)
Whats cause of concern: MILEAGE! A few friends told me that they get 45-50Kmpl on their Honda Activa and Duo. I am amazed and awed. Mine never crosses 30kmpl. Checked with the service centre too and although they claim that it will be more than 45-50, it never reaches there and nothing changes it. Another one - low ground clearance. It is a big concern area especially given the fact that there are so many uneven road surfaces and unauthorized speed breakers.
Wish me luck to enjoy my flyte of fantasy on my Flyte.