I would to share my experience with you in hope that you should not face similar problems in future. I purchaged Mahindra Flyte two months back.
The first problem that was immediately visible was the lot of vibration during riding. After couple of days, I felt that self start gives a strange kind of noise during starting. I told my dealer and he said it is similar to the other brands. It is only in mind. then I compared it with other brands and found that the dealer is actually a useless fellow and indeed the noise during self start is strange which is not there in other vehicles. And to my expectation, the self start stopped working after a month suddenly. I went back to my dealer and he said that battery is down, you are supposed to start scooter using kick in the morning.
Since I have medial problems and can not use kick very often, still had to use it because I have to go to my job and can not sit at home. He recharged the battery and said always use kick start in the morning. So I followed his instructions and despite my health problems started using kick in the morning. Now the self start again stopped working after 3 days of recharging the battery.
The dealer says the battery is fine, probably I am not following the rules and guidelines. Now the point is do I have to follow a lot of guidelines to have a scooter and after spending 50K?
Now I have decided to go back on using my Bajaj Discover which is little a bit heavier but never gave a problem. As far as other problems are concerned, you name it and you have it in Mahindra Flyte, starting from indicator buzzers to collission of stand with the speed breakers. I am fed up with this NEW TECHNOLOGY AND NEW AGE SCOOTER. Even my old Bajaj Super is still better than this new age scooter. I would strongly reccommend you NOT To BUY any mahindra two wheeler in your life.
The last funny thing is the dealer and service centers. I have seen that in order to increase the sale, mahindra has made even the Dhaba owners and grocery stores as their authorized dealer who do not have any servicing facilities. I knoe it unbelievble, but it is true unfortunately.