I bought this beauty for my wife 3 months back. It ran for more than 800 km. Till date, it’s running without a single problem. Got two free services. Satisfied with Kinetic people. My wife loves the ride. I have also ridden on it a couple of times. Pickup is good even with 160 kgs of load. Handling is very smooth. Ground clearance is low. Fuel indicator is not reliable.
Enough space under seat for two helmets. Initially the mileage was 25-28 kmpl. Now getting 28-30 kmpl. Since my wife enjoys the ride, I sort of accepted it. My wife uses it for short distances varying from 2-5 km. Never gone for a long ride (10 km and above). The average speed is 30 kmph (in roads with potholes) and 20 kmph (in roads with bath-tubs).
Most of the time, it runs with 80 Kgs of load. I don’t know if the above facts have anything to do with the mileage. We never tested the mileage in long rides. My neighbor rides an Activa. She said that she is getting a mileage of 35-36 kmpl (under the same road conditions). After talking to her, we rejected Activa because we thought that the mileage is too low for a scooter (sigh...). Anyways, Flyte looks much better than Activa. This product is rarely seen on street. People keep staring at it.
My sincere comments: it’s a descent bike with poor mileage.
Happy and safe riding folks!