Bought Flyte for my wife in July 08 from Unicorn, Indira nagar, Bangalore. These were happy moments since we got the bike in a days time. We got the delivery in the evening which we took it directly to the temple post which we went to a continental restaurant for dinner.
Reasons to chose this byke over others:
Kinetic has a long history of producing good scooterettes
Its slim
125 cc engine nicely packaged
Less weight
Height is reasonably less
Delivering it immediately
My wife liked the shape over other bykes
Following day morning, as advised my wife, I filled petrol and brought the vehicle back to home. After 15 minutes she comes from parking place and says that petrol is leaking. After using 20 min of my engineering brain, I realised there is leak in petrol tank.
Trouble 1: went to service center and shared the problem. They confirmed that there is leak and they have been receiving this complaint. I wondered when a problem occurs more than once, what is that quality department do in the Kinetic plant. Next level of correction is pre-delivery check which was also not done.
Trouble 2: they asked me to wait for 45 min to replace the tank and finally returned vehicle after 4 hours . I went through a pain that I never experienced at my car garage for so long. But for my wife I thought I could face.
Trouble 3: 10 days passed. My wife has been using it to go to grocery store or to ice cream shop and one evening she asked me to get milk. During my journey, when horn was pressed, switch / button remained in pressed mode. So I had to manually push the button back. My wife gave me the reason that my daughter sometimes presses and holds the button and thats how it is not working properly. It was again a surprise. I used suzuki (now TVS) bikes since 1990. I never experienced such problem for years. Probably, new age machines are more sophisticated and lack robustness
45 days passed but the total kilometer was showing only 250 km or so. I had to really push my wife to get it serviced.
Trouble 4: 70 days passed and couple of days ago my father visited us and took out the bike. He came back after day long city tour and says that the fuel efficiency is poor. I was quite surprised a guy who used enfield for about 3 decades says that a new age bike is not fuel efficient. Ofcourse, he clarified that he is comparing with current geared vehicles with 125 cc engine.
On the following day, my dad and I had to go to a bank and he suggested I ride the bike. We were on old madras road and I was trying to overtake a lorry and realised that vehicle was not moving beyond 40. There was too much of lag. It took me to service station again. Now the mechanic took a test drive and says that all Sym Flytes are like that only and since I dont have experience in driving auto transmission / auto-geared vehicle, I am feeling jittery. I had to quitely come out of service station because I didnt have answer to him. Unfortunately that day I had to drive the byke for 30 km. That was enough for me to tell the complete status of vehicle. After a day I went back to service station and said that there is no acceleration. The mechanic was still trying to bully me. I will keep the story short. I explained the situation in detail to him and asked him to take back the vehicle and return me whatever money he feels like. He finally agrees that there is a problem with carburettor in pumping fuel and he would repair it. When asked him to take the vehicle immediately, he says that it is festival day (this was on thursday-October 09) and after that for next three days they will not work.
Since I work for living, I cannot go for next few days from today. I will wait till friday to go back to him.
Trouble 5: on doubles, even for a small hump the main stand hits the hump. I am not sure if people are still accepting such a pathetic design.
I sincerely hope my experience is an exception and none have faced such problems. If two more people say that they faced similar problems, then it causes for concern.
I will keep you posted of my next experience for the benefit of others. Lets wish I be very happy after they repair the carburettor.