I would like to thank MS for providing me a space to post my review. I wanted to purchase a reliable scooter for my wife. Her preference was smooth ride, easy handling and stylish look.
Since she is not very comfortable with gears and all those stuffs, we decided to go for a gear-less scooter. But unfortunately very few models are available in the market. After a quick research, we picked up "Pleasure" and "Scooty pep". She test ridden both and we zeroed down to "Pleasure". All set, but then we had to postpone our plan for six months. After six months, we were again at it.
Then suddenly I came to know that SYM have launched a model in India marketed by Kinetic. I had a scooter called "City Hopper" when I was in U.K. I used it continuously for two years and it never gave me any trouble. Although it was a 50cc scooter, I loved it. It was a SYM product and since then I am pretty impressed. I remember I did a lot of research on them at that time.
I know that they are based in Tiawan and have made engines for Honda since 1962 and later they started producing their own brand of scooters. I got interested and I was quick to gather some facts about their product "Flyte". During that, I made several visits to the website of Kinetic. I had also gone through the reviews in MS. Although most of them appeared to be propagandas (dont hug me),
I was able to collect the information I needed. I asked my wife to take a test ride of "Flyte" and she agreed. After taking the ride, she was confused which one to pick between "Pleasure" and "Flyte". Since I have experience to ride both Hero Honda product and SYM product in the past, I personally preferred “Flyte”. So, we purchased “Flyte”. It was readily available at the showroom. My wife enjoys the ride. She started taking it to her office since it’s easy to ride, easy to park.
For the last one month or so, it has already covered 300 kilometers without any trouble. Will keep you posted as and when things happen. Oh! One more thing, if I don’t share it with you, I think I’ll do no justice to the readers who read my long and boring review. It’s the mileage. I’m getting 32 kmpl. To make it short, about other things, I think they remain same for all Flyters and I hope you already know them. Ill update after first servicing. Cheers to all of you who visit MS in search of genuine reviews.