I bought the same for my wife from pune 2 months b4, still dont have any problem, believe me honda and suzuki are only brand names which may not give your hard earned money returns, dont think that kinetic is over now, all parts and vehicle components are from sym motors , very good bike to ride, very useful thing is it has got best price ration in its class. Analyse it.
Best vehicle for ladies, no need to go for scooty activa or access. All are very high priced in their range. Sheer wastage of money. Just have a look at honda activa used for one year and scooty for 6 months then you will get to know exact quality of the manufacturer. All are just cheating the people but the fact remains same as we dont use our brain and going with crowd for buying silly product like activa or scooty.
Positive points:
Riding comfort
Front fuel tank
*negative points
Fuel meter
Side guard
Front side indicator
Thank you.