I bought ma flyte in dec. I don wanna post any reviews till date as I wanted to check ma flyte out till date...... beleive me, it really deserves a pat and should mention - gr8 gr8 vehilce.
Ive don bout 4000 kms already, and iots gr8 going afta all da assault its taken through my marketing phase, I mean my ride os bout 100 kms a day..... its stress free afta all the 100 km ride a day due the deadly front shocks....... da only thing I felt sad is bout da fuel tank capacity, I need to be visiting fuel station every now & den as its takes in inly bout 5 lts full tank...... it even taken in my 12" laptop into its under seat..... and another must mention - thx to the cvs motors guys for their excellent service. dey even gave me a spare vehicle when I left ma flyte for servic e as I jus cant be off a vehicle due the nature of ma work........ blindly go for the flyte people!!!!!!!