Hi folks,
This is my second review on velocity. I had very bad experience with dealer ( Lead motors, Bangalore). Please never plan to buy Bike or Scooter from Lead motors, Bangalore. After your payment for your bike, he never listen to the customenr. He didnt gave me users mannual and tool kit along with bike. I visit 4 times to the dealer, but finally he told me that I took them before.
(His intension is we have to do free or payment service with that dealer only by not giving users manual.)
The experiences with bike, I put some problems before the service and they are not able to resolve them.
It has very weak shock absorbers.
Engine fuel is not uniform when you reduce the accelerator, engine will stop in the gear even you are pressing the clutch.
Engine is vibrating after crossing speed 55km.
Mileage is less than 50km/l.
The side stand is short and hard to lift it.
Very bad response by custormer care.
Thanks and regards,
gnana sekhar