I purchased a Kinetic Zing after taking a long search on the similar type of scooters. I really think it is a very good scooter. It gives me good average of 52Km/ltr. So good for scooter of this class. Zing is very pocket friendly on maintenance. Stylish look of the Zing impressed me a lot. Its seat is very comfortable as compared to any other scooters. Its pick-up is not very high but sufficient for most city riding conditions. I have also tried it to climb on hill, and it climbs without any problem, offcourse on a single seat. Dont try to climb hill for double seat. In most of the aspects it exceeds my expectation.
I am using Kinetic zing for more than five years (from April 2003 to Sept. 2008 now) and I am not facing any problem of maintenance. I have to ride for 30kms per day. I am feeling very comfortable at the time of riding. Due to its good average it saves my money.
It is far better sturdy, comfortable as compared to other similar scooters.
But buy the zing only if you can maintain well. Poor maintainance will soon make it dirty and problematic. I mean to say, you should be careful about maintainance. e.g.- You have to put a seperate oil pouch while filling petrol. If you use oil from petrol pump, zing will cry.
If you want the scooter for city riding which will give you a good average, comfort and trouble free performance, then go for Zing. I can give you sure that Zing will not disappoint you.
The new model from Kinetic is expected in Sept.2005 which is named as Kine. It is almost same as Zing with few improvements. If you know something about automobile engineering or mechanical engineering then you will not face any problem of maintenance. At Rs. 27000+3000 Zing or Kine is definitely not far cheap compared to others. If you don’t know anything about scooter’s internals, then it is better to go with other options such as scooty pep 90cc which is totally maintenance free.
Thank you for reading.