If you are living in an urban area - a city or a small town, what do you need from your vehicle? AFter having owned a Kinetic Zing for six months, I think it will satisfy all your needs. Here is my experience with it, pros and cons. (Actually I bought it for my younger brother so its based on his inputs).
Comfort - very comfortable- surprisingly large seats and footboard space for a small scooter.two can sit easily.
Convenience - as with this segment - electric start and gearless smooth transmission is great for city riding
Mileage - Zings lightweight structure means it gives great mileage - my brother gets between 50- 58 which is great for him because his pocket money is not very high
Performance - surprisingly peppy for a small scooter. Way ahead of other products like TVS scooty or Spirit. Excellent acceleration
STorage space - absence of a glove box. BUt underseat is good, can fit a helmet.
Looks - trendy, cute, modern, unisex. I like its looks.
Other factors - generally easy to manouever in traffic, solid brakes, good suspension, quick handling.
Overll verdict - its not as luxurious as say a Kinetic nova (which I own and is spectacular) but for less than 25000 rs, the Zing does a great job of ones around-the-town travel needs. Excellent value for money. So far entirely reliable.