I went to chennai from Hyderabad and booked return ticket also on the same day. I have gone to the king fisher web site and booked the tickets.
The flight is supposed to start from Hyderabd at 6:30am and due to technical snag the flight was delayed by 45 mins and I am forced to attend the meeting late.
I know that the journey time is 1:30 hrs for the said king fisher flight. Still I have chosen the flight because of brand. The following are the pitfalls during my onward journey.
--I requested for the seat which is not near to the
propellers. But, I was allotted the same seat !!!!.
--- The discomfort due to the noise cannot be meausured..
--- IN FIGHT ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM was used for giving
safety instructions!!!!! virtuall y no entertainment... not
even a cartoon film...
Return Journey :
Evening I want to come back to hyderabad before 9 and i
booked the 19:30 flight . I have chosen this flight just
because its journy period is one hour
while boarding the flight, I came to know that it was a
deccan flight.
-- The seats are just rigid. No adjustment. I have to sit
striaght for one hour !!!
-- I was given a simple water bottle!!!! and I was told
that I can buy snacks !!!!. I dont know whether 8pm is
snacks time ???. Any way it is upto king fisher to
provide snacks or not ?.
-- No entertainment !!!!
I was listening to music on my mobile by keeping in flight mode. the air hostes asked me shut it. I explained to her about the flight mode of the mobile and all other airlines are permiting flight mode and I am not using during landing or take off. she is not in a mood to listen at all. what a wonderful experience ??.
during the journey I want to go for toilet and got up from the seat. the airhostes are busy in selling the snacks and the way is blocked. when the i asked for the way, the reply given is "pl. wait we will be completing the sale of snacks shortly .. you can go to TOILET after wards !!!!!!!!!!!!". King fisher experience
The most painful thing is the lack of information
about the items that are being served during flight in the
web site. while booking the tickets I was asked about the
choice of meals and I have given my option. However, no
where it is mentioned that only water bottle will be given
during return flight . I went to the king fisher site
thinking that it is meant for kingfisher flights only and
not for DECCAN flights. Some times I used to travel by
jetlite and in the web site it is clearly mentioned that
only snacks will be served... at least such information is
there u can very well decide which flight to chose...
The toal fare is Rs7005/- for the above said journey.
My other colleagues went by Indian airlines 6:30 flight
and they reached chennai by 7:30AM and they have returned by
6:30 flght which reached hyderabd by 7:30 sharp. I dont want to say that other airline is good or bad..
The total fare is Rs 7300/- for Indian airlines.
For more or less same fare I have to experience the
---Delay of 45 minutes
--- Full noise
---- No food during return journey.
---- No entertainment as promised..
I gave mail to chairman@kingfisher.com about my experience. reply says we are looking into... No reply till today.