There is lot of hype on good times. Airline travel is more than looking at the sexy cabin crew. this is based on my experience in kingfisher flights I took in last few days not by choice but with no other option. As a frequent traveller I measure airlines on few important things.
1) Safety : The worst in the industry after may be air deccan
The flight was about to touch the runway and the pilot suddenly took the aircraft off the land. He missed the landing and at the last moment the flight went in the air again.
2) Ground staff assistance: Good: This is one thing I liked the most about kingfisher the ground staff was helpfull in terms of assisting. But I found them very slow at the counter.
3) Cabin Crew: It was a big dissapointment as they are not very responsive to the requests.... Its very ordinary unless somebody wants to measure the crew on how sexy they look its not up to the mark, Jet and IA are way ahead here.
4) Time: Very Bad: The flights of kingfisher seems to be delayed most of the times. I knew friends warned me before I took the flight that its late most of the time...
5) Inflight entertainment: Good but not very usefull in long flights: It was good but pretty useless on long flight as they just have 1 hr of the entertainment recorded and repeats itself every 1 hr... You need the inflight entertainment the most on long flights but with 1 hr is not much helpfull.
Well All I can say its better of those low cost airlines! But Good times is all about hype then reality.