This review is more about the comfort that Kingfisher provided me, while travelling with my mother(she has arithritis and has lot of difficulties while walking) and my 12 year old nephew.I was little apprehensive about, how would I manage.I had to travel from Hubli to Bangalore. Its very difficult for my mom to take even a single step. She uses a walking stick and has to walk really slow.
*My Experience:-
We arrived at the Hubli airport.As soon as we got down from the taxi, one of the Airlines rep greeted us and helped me to take off all the luggage from the taxi.He saw my Moms condition, he signalled for another rep to rush with a wheel-chair.They helped her sit on the wheel-chair and courteously got her inside the airport.Another lady helped me with my boarding passes.The two reps got my luggage go through the x-ray scanning and labeled them, in the meantime. The flight came on time at 2:55PM(punctual). The crew took special care of my mother and took her very comfortably inside the flight. They assisted her to get to ther seat.They told me not to worry at all!
I have to appreciate guys.They know how to assist a customer!The hostess were very polite, courteous and helpful.
The flight was an ATR. Still the seats were much better and very comfortable.Small yet the plane looked great and so much systematic.30 minutes on the flight and we were served with snacks. Have to say that the quality was very good.The hostess suggested a good juice for my mom, as she did not feel like eating anythg.The hostess even gifted a KingFisher watch to my nephew:) Its not the value of the watch or how much it costs.It made the little kid happy, thats wat matters.
Once we landed in Bangalore. We were told to stay back.Once all the passengers got down, two guys came and helped my mom on the wheel chair and carried it down.They got a separate vehicle for us and helped us to the "Arrival".One rep helped us till the taxi and he put all the luggage in the taxi.Also helped my mom, to get inside.And with a polite and courteous smile told "Have a good day!".
Seriously with all their help, assistance and great customer service, I had a very good day!They really took care of my mom and for me it really means a lot.(I gave a good feedback to them!).
All in all, I was very happy and definitely their help is really appreciated.
*Some days after this journey.
I had to travel from Belgaum to Bangalore.Since there is only one flight(Air Deccan) from Belgaum, I had to book my tickets from it.I saw a guy who was taking his parents to Bangalore.His Dad was old and looked unwell.He needed some1 to hold his hands all the time to walk.The guy was having problems, while helping his dad and taking the bag also.And believe me, none of the staff from Air Deccan even bothered to help him.! The guy had to help his dad to the flight.I remembered my situation and felt, I was so fortunate.Hence I offered the guy to take his bag, while he helped his dad.He felt better.Did the same when reached Bangalore.
During the flight, I compared the service, with my previous experience and felt there is a huge difference.
Air Deccan may say that they are low cost airlines and cut down unnecessary costs.They do not prefer all the chamak-damak like other airlines.But tell me guys, hw much does it cost to make a customer feel good and feel cared for.Hw much wd it have taken the staff to help the guy and his father?
No offence .This is just my personal experience and what I saw.
Personally I prefer Kingfisher.And thumbs up to them.