Having flown in over 70 different airlines and over 300 flights in around 25 countries over the last 12 years, in my humble opinion, Kingfisher and its now sister concern Deccan are over-hyped. They may be better than their competitors in the Indian skies (which also I disagree because I think Jet is marginally better) but they are nowehere near the "World Class" they claim to be. Just having pretty (and admittedly efficient) stewardesses and bunch of over-officious lads to help passengers move luggage doesnt cut it. It requires to be backed up by good ground services and a responsibility towards customers.
Blaming everybody from Air Traffic Control at Mumbai, inefficiencies in the new Hyderabad airport (when it was clear that their own ground staff was not trained to even inspect boarding passes) and everybody else under the sun for delayed flights smacks of an inability to accept responsibility. The ground staff was not even bothered to update the hapless travelers (At Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad airlportst) waiting for some update on their flight even after the flights were delayed. On top of that the gate was changed at the last moment (at Mumbai) and they did not bother to inform the passengers waiting at the other gate. They even had the temerity of accusing these passengers of delaying the aircraft. Unfortunately for them, they ran into a "spunky" lady who gave them a piece of her mind and it was fun seeing them beat a hasty retreat.
To match other world class airlines like Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific or even a JetBlue (yep... the low cost JetBlue) Kingfisher has to go a long way.