I got a 300 Litre Kingsun Solar Water Heater installed in January 2012 for Rs 64, 000. The product carried 1 year warranty and I filled up the necessary forms to get a subsidy cheque of about Rs 26, 000 from the Government.
However, when winter started, we found that the product was leaking from the inlet pipe, the outlet pipe, from the tubes, from the top-up tank and also from inside the insulation. After chasing up for almost 6 weeks relentlessly, the technician showed up and changed the pipes(at my cost) and plugged some of the leakages. Within a week the leak inside the insulation had grown into a majorwaterfall and I had to shut off the system. When Bhambri Enterprises - the owners of the Kingsun brand realised that the product is still under warranty, they stopped responding to phones and e-mails. I followed up till the end of winter and then decided to post my experience on this forum.
So at the end of 15 months,
1) I have lost Rs 64, 000 on a product that I have hardly used and had a constant headache and irritation because of the Comapnys lousy quality and service
2) I have no clue whether the subsidy claim has been filed with the Government agency. Kingsun has not given me a copy nor the status of the filing or the cheque.
3) I have used electric geyser instead of free solar energy.
I also realised that no where on their product(mounted on the rooftop) have they mentioned the Kingsun name as any good manufacturer will do to gain publiciity from a vantage position.
I would not recommend Kingsun from Bhambri Enetrprises, Delhi to anyone ever!g