This movie was a great comic expereince. I used to hate mallika sherawat but after this movie she grew on you. her comic performance was absolutely hilarious and the whole story of the film was funny. songs were great especially the "tere saath hai tho cash hi cash" very nicely done.
the guy in the movie was also funny. the story was about a kanjoos makhi choos rich man who is always bugged by his family for being too canjoos so he decides to prove them wrong by spending money on some girl he meets....mallika.
the son fall sin love with mallika and she doesn;t even know that this lover of hers is this rich mans son. anyway..after some complexity and hilarious characters....the movie progresses and the storyline revolves around relationships.....its complex..but a great film....and totally worth it.
so please watch it and enjoy mallika and the songs
and satish shah...who was totally hilarious