I have watched all the episodes, almost in entirety. Blessed with a good voice? It is tempting to try for this platform that will catapult you into fame.
I think being a pop star is all about attitude and voice. Looks do matter, to the extent that you dont hurt the viewers eye with lack thereof. To presume that that would be the basic and main criterion
would be sexist and even, simplistic. Sure, there were girls and women who could not carry a tune. Hearing some of them make such fools out of themselves made me cringe, but what the heck? they were having a blast.
Most of the girls who made it round after round sang well, and had positive attitudes. You have to hand it to them, they were on camera and yet, were not afraid to laugh and cry and sing and dance.
And judging by the endless queues that these girls formed in each city, you can be sure that Channel V has hit upon a great idea to increase viewership and get lot of publicity. After all, here we are, discussing the show!!
This show is a shining example of what many youngsters crave today - the spotlight! Even the ones who did not
make it thus far, had their own spot in the sun. And before long, some will become even more familiar to the viewers,
with the viewers rooting for his or her favourite one. Who will make it? Who wont? How do the girls evolve over the
intense training program? I find it fascinating to watch. Almost like watching an experiment on a group of lab rats.
I think it is a good study of teen psychology. But then again, what do I know? Amidst all the negative
reviews written here, my review says the show is worth watching!!