Suketu asked me why dont I write reviews more often. I replied that it was difficult for me to rip apart films .it seemed unkind since there were just a few one genuinely liked. The others were such a waste of precious money both for the makers and the audience.
But KK had to be reviewed. Kya karen control nahin was SUCH A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!
My first reaction after seeing the film was that Shahid kapoor couldnt possibly have read the script. He was just too floored having been cast by a director who had hitherto been a SRK loyalist. A tips movie another reason to sign on the dotted line . After the success of Vivaah, one would have hoped he had more horse sense than to sign films for such frivolous reasons.
You see that is the bane of our cinema. Stars who act pricey and insist onbound scripts.are a hogwash. the reality is that they are available for a host of other reasons to mediocre Directors, substandard plots, unprofessional wonder we churn out flops by the dozens!
The story of a loser who wanted it to make it big and chanced upon a lucky all what it is about. You are never too sure till the end whether he loved her because she was just plain lucky for him or was it genuine! Can you believe that? he hated her on sight on their first few meetings and then after being hit on the head with the realisation that she proves lucky, he is smitten.
Matlabi Men and yet vidya balan coochie coos and artificially blushes away in all the synthetic and plastered manner she could manage.Woman grow up.get a life.The guys using you! But No. the script didnt demand it! She was upset because he lied to her and not coz she was being manipulated.I tell you when chauvinists make films they reek of fakeness from the first frame to the last.
Anyway to cut a long story short.since it doesnt merit much more.It was a wasted effort. Everything in the film was redemption here.except for a few brownie points to Shahid.poor guy was trying his best to blow some life into a barely pulsating script.
Vidya Balan should do all of us a favour and STOP acting! She is so damn fake.from her high pitched going nowhere laughter to her dead eyes and terrible hairstyle and clothes, she was abysmally unimpressive. Whatever happened to the parineeta girl? But I had known then that she may be a one film wonder if she doesnt stop FAKING IT!
I am surprised that the cinematography was Binod Pradhan.It was a most uninspiring job.looked as if he had to leave for another shoot and was in one hell of a hurry. Why do these guys do films they cant better from their previous ones?
Aziz Mirza to me was always a Director who piggy backed on SRK . He was just plain LUCKY and this film if anything spells this out loud and clear. There was zero talent on show . Lacklustre script, performance and music except forbaakhuda.
Juhi Chawla must be quite ashamed of her was were her lines. You see this is the reason it gets me. this director had everything going and he churns up an apology of a film.
No more Aziz and gang films for me for sure.unless I am invited free, that too if I am not previously engaged, or if I havent had a good nights sleep and plan to doze off or if I really wanted to oblige someone, or if I really hate someone and want to get my back on him.Id agree to watch it.