The kite runner, a international bestseller written by KHALEED Hosseini, born in AFGHANISTAN nd later moved to USA.It all starts with the story of AMIR, son of the the master & HASAN, son of the caretaker.They were actaully brother from different mother. Hasan always loyal sensible to Amir on the other hand amir always teased Hasan bcz his father loved, admired Hasan more for his courageous attitude.U will come across ta a heartbreaking scene which really proves amir to b selfish and coward when he fleas away without helping hasan when he was badly in need of it! The book will make u cry when u go through the various chapters and discover the sad hearttouching incidents. The author has vividly drawn the war affected pathetic life of Afghans. Moreover Everytime u will get a very clear message: NEVER GIVE UP HOPE ND HOPE IS THE ROPE TO SUCCESS. HE also indicates never to do wrong things otherwise it will haunt you out throughout ur life!