After a long journey of sob-soaps finally, Ekta kapoor has arrived with a fresh Idea-Kitni Mast Hai Zindagi. KMHZ is the story of Ananya Puri, a girl from Kanpur who steps into the Big city of Mumbai with the dream of becoming a RJ. The 30-minute serial showcases the challenges that she faces and how she overcomes the problems to get set in the new city.
Truly, this time Ekta has done something differrent. If you had been watching her dailies KSBKBT, KGGK and KZK(on star plus) , and feel you need something different -this one is for you. The main reason why I like KMHZ is that it does not have any glycerine induced tears and minutes long dialogues by the protagonists. The serial has been picturised mainly for youth audiences.
The cast of the serial was finalised after conducting auditions in 106 cities across India. Six finalists from the audition has been cast in KMHZ. The character of Ananya Puri is being played by the new commer Panchi Bora.
KMHZ is a 39 episode serial being telecasted at 8-8.30pm and 11pm on MTV. The serial may be extended from 39 to 80 episodes afterwards.
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