This serial is an exciting serial about two best friends and at the end they comletley change and their lives do as well! In the story weird twists r always happening! Then they both get married in the same house and all types of things keep on happening and Eejaz Khan comes in as Arjun, Samays younger brother and by the end both girls get maried to Samay at least once! Kritika and Kajol almost got divorced with both of their husbands.I like the part where they show that Kajol cant control herself sometimes when kritika is yelling at her unlike Rhim Jhim from Piya Ka Ghar who hears things from everyone without even saying something! Overall Kajol mostly takes stand for everything and Kritka doesnt as much! She usually lets anyone give her bad ideas and plans and she says she doesnt let anyone have power over her even though almost everyone uses her!So check this serial out!