Hey Ekta,
Please wake up before its too late and stop dragging the serial. Kkusum is supposed to be an inspiring serial for middle class society who usually holds their self respect dearly which in the beginning was great, and now unlike Kkusum who tries to be a so called good philosopher-bahu jumps from one man to another when she loves each one of them dearly and thinks she cannot live without him. This doesnt happen in our society and culture and it definately is a wrong inspiration to our society. Even if Sid dies, she could have brought a different character and not chosen Abhay to be her better half again. Dont you think once is enough in life and people should learn there lessons and move on instead of going back to sqaure one?!
Also, another character Esha....a wicked witch, in the beginning of the serial all of a sudden becomes the best of the best friends and then after few episodes back to the bitch...this is very WRONG........!!! You are setting such examples to the society that human beings cannot change and if there are friends like Esha in your life donot trust them at all and never give them a chance to change. In the story Esha should have become a good character and Abhay should have never changed. Kkusum shouldnot have gone back to Abhay but being good friends Kkusum and Esha should have taught him a good lesson, and that would have been an inspiration to the society that people can change for good and become best friends.
Free Tip for Ekta K:
Ekta, pls get out of the rut of Saas-Bahu saga /Extra marital affairs and focus on the real world situations for example: Astitva-Ek prem kahani...there are how many guys in our society who does fall in love with a gal who is lot older to whom but the society doesnot except that in public even though this couple is fit in the perfect match category except the age difference. Show some inspiration to our society by motivating them that age doesnt matter but the heart does and if two people are very dearly in love with each other and donot have flaws in marraige then its about time our culture excepts that instead of excepting extra marital affairs like in all Kk-serial has. Ohhh...And Pls stop the extra marital affairs in all of your story line cause not every household in our culture has this kind of situation and you are setting very wrong example in todays society and also to the upcoming generation. Kids are watching these serials and seeing there parents having affairs....pls wake up dear. What are we teaching to the next generations??!!!!