I used to watch this show b4.. then I stopped watching, now ive begun watching again. nausheen did a great job as kkusum. and manasi joshi roy tried her best but just couldnt match up to it. but now I think shilpa saklani is doing a pretty fine job. at least they didnt drag it too much, and kkusum regained her memory soon enough. but why bring back mahi?? let her disappear to wherever tashu went. isnt it time kkusum wrapped up and alls well that ends well? viewership isnt going to be heightened by bringing in various types of kkusums (almost as if they are experimenting to see which kkusum people like best). and abhay has married many many times. were losing count. kkusum now looks like kumud and kalis friend. acceptable, since kkusum underwent plastic surgery, which miraculously changed her teeth, her hair length, hair color, voice, height and figure. I didnt know plastic surgery is so wonderful. anyway, let us viewers just hope that kkusumji quickly solves the mysteries and alls well that ends well. dragging it too much will not help in any way.