Now we are shown second generation i.e. daughter/s of Kusum and Abhay, and sons of Aryaman and so on. I wonder how, 18 years ago, when these parents were young, they had the cell phones, Computers and even the songs played were the latest. Perhaps an afterthought by the Director/story writer.
The unluckiest character is Senior Kapoor who is shown bald; the rest appear even younger than they were shown in earlier episodes i.e. when they were 18 years younger.
However KUSUM still remains # 1 and is one of the best ever shown. Acting by all is wonderful and so is the direction and the sets. Its nice to hear Shlokas and Mantras and keep in touch with our religious, social and cultural heritage. It also keeps in touch with the festivals. I wish the serial completes 1000 episodes and more and remains the longest and the best ever shown.