I dont know wat made me start seeing this drag.. no, this time it was not because it had become famous, I started watching it much before dat.
this crap is abt this girl who marries a guy (arranged marriage). the guy already has a girlfriend and does not welcome her presence, he agrees only because of his parents. she tries hard (with loads of overacting)then eventually divorces him. he realises he actually likes her, goes back 2 her, they marry, shes going to bear a kid, he strays away again, they divorce, she loses the kid, she marries another guy who likes her(again with loads of drama), 1st guy marries someone else, then 2nd guy suspects her of having an affair with 1st guy, divorces, wen abt 2 come back to her, he dies, then eventually she likes 1st and vice versa and they marry.
They want a kid, she loses it, ex-girlfriend gets doc 2 say she wont bear a child, she calls a dame to bear her hubbys kid, she cant bear it when the dame flirts, leaves out of town forever, train has an accident, hubby supposes shes dead and believe it or not lives with an assumption for years. When they got bored of this they turned the wheels 18 yrs ahead.
His kid with the dame is kali. While kusum bears kumud. So it goes on...
Believe it or not:
abhay just assumes that his wife is dead for 18 yrs without any proof
abhay is kumuds main boss in whose house she hangs out a lot. though she is shown telling her mom everything, kusum doesnt know even her daughters bosss name!!!
there is not a single photo of kusum in the whole house and neither has kali asked for one.
isha suddenly appears and disappears from the serial.
she married abhay twice, with umpteen patchups.she married sid once and divorces.so that includes 3 marriages, 3 divorces and I death
nobody from the whole kapoor family is dead in 18 yrs, in fact they are in the best of health.
parents look younger than sons or daughters
18yr old kumud who is an undergraduate holds quite a good post for an undergraduate
18yr old kali is already engaged
the house keeps changing, and its too dressed up even for a millionaires house
Anyway, there are loads to write, but the serial is just way too long. Even a sidney sheldon novel character does not have this many turns in one life.