It was a good serial to begin with but is losing its way. The lead male charactor (ABHAY) is the lousiest cast I am yet to see. His acting (hope it can be called so ) is ZERO!!!00000000. When he was away in between it was somewhat better. And we the audience is forced to witness his angry and crying scenes--(Hope I do not lose my balance)??? Is there a dearth of good actors??? (I am one here waiting )!!!!!!!
This serial seems to be going nowhere?? What on EARTH is Ekta trying to show the viewers??? I thing she has run out of ideas? It is better (for her and her viewers) if she takes a break (give us too). The story (is there one ) seems to be heading nowhere and poor NAUSHEEN has to cry eternally-I pity her!!!
The whole problem seems to be like trying to chew more than what Ekta can eat? Oveall it has become a torture to watch Ekta serials.