This program is about an ordinary middle-age whose family is really rich and is struggling against several conflicts and she has a mother who is always there for her like an angel. What I really like about this program is the cute relationship of parents with their children. Ekta Kapoor always has enchantment in her serial and I think that this one has the most enchantment. Her dramas are always touching fairy tales and like other ones, this one is a reality- type fairy tale too.
SUMARRY- After a misunderstanding that her husband, Abhay Kapoor, has fallen in love with Mahi( whom she chose as a surrogate mother because the docter had said she cant become a mother), Kkusum leaves her in-laws house to Ludhiana for forever and doesnt contact back. Back in her in-laws, everyone believes one destroyed-face womans corpse as Kkusum body and start living with the misunderstanding that Kkusum is dead. Meanwhile, Kkusum finds out that she is pregnant! But now, there was no turning back to Abhay. She gives birth to a beautiful girl, Kumud, while Mahi gives birth to another beautiful girl, Kali.
OUTCOME- Kumud grows with a misunderstanding hatred toward her father cause Kkusum would not come to telling her the conflict between her and Abhay. Mahi stays and helps out in Kapoor familys business. Kali grows up with love toward Kkusum, whom they tell is her mother and she calls Mahi auntie. But few days after Kumud and Kussum come to Mumbai for Kumuds education, Kali finds out the fact that Kkumum isnt her mother, its Mahi. After a few days she gets Mahi and Abhay married while Mahi knew that Kkusum was alive and hadnt told Abhay because Kkusum had told her not to.
After a few days of Mahi and Abhays marriage, a spoiled rich boy, Nakul, rapes Kumud because she had degenerated him many times, but blames Kumud that she had tried to rape him instead and it turned ot that it was all planned; every piece of evidence was against Kumud. When in court of this case, Kkusum shows up, everyone is shocked that Kkusum was alive, while Mahi feels that her wedding is ruined. Kumud wins the case but Kali doesnt believe that Nakul was the culprit because she loved him and was engaged to him! Kumud first hates Abhay but then starts giving him the respect of a father. Kali shows that she doesnt like Kkssum for trying to interfere in her mothers life to Mahi, but in her heart, she loves Kkusum somewhere very deeply and has the respect for her as a mother.
The people playing fathers and mothers are actually young actors themselves but are playing to be in their 50s.
Kkusum( Mansi Joshi)- the main character and the name of the serial. Her life is around her in-laws, her ex-husband, Abhay, Mahis jealousy, and trying to bring happiness in her daughters, Kali and Kumuds life. She is an honest, innocent, struggling, and strong woman who has the power to face any problem but is weak whenever it has something to do against or with Kali. She has lived her life while away from her in-laws and Abhay desperate for Kali while not expressing it to anyone and in hope of seeing Abhay though having a feeling against Abhay.
Kumud( Aashka Goradia)- she is the second-main character in the serial after Kkusum. She is very mannered, quite self-disciplined, and innocent girl often victimed by Kalis hatred. She loves Kshitij, Nakuls big brother! She tries to solve the feud between her and Kali but is always unsuccesful.
Abhay( Anuj Saxena)- he loves Kkusum , though he is married to Mahi he has no feelings toward her as his wife. He loves kumud but was often taken aback by her hatred toward him, which has stop happening since Kumud has started calling him papa. He also loves Kali and has lived after the misunderstanding that Kkusum is dead because Kali was Kkusums dream and he wanted to give Kussums ambition every happiness that he could.
Kali( Rucha Gujrathi)- she is my favorite female character in the serial, because Kkusum loves her and she loves Kkusum secretly though doesnt show it. She is the character whose fury, then innocence brings enchantment to the show. She is still stubborn and not understanding like a child. She can be negative sometimes in two things, when it came to Kumud because she hates Kumud for destroying her and Nakuls wedding( Abhay broke her engagement with Nakul after Kumud had won the case), and whenever Mahi has the face that Kkusum is interfering in Abhay and her life. She is stubborn and spoiled( Abhay has always agreed and gave her whatever she wanted execpt when he broke her and Nakuls wedding-another reason why Kali hates Kumud) but also has a good and innocent side. She is good unless Nakul poisons her mind, which happens almost all the time( she is very gullible to Nakuls lies and Mahis tears).
Esha( Shweta Kwatra)- She used to love Abhay and had plotted a scheme to separate Kkusum and Abhay and when the truth came before Abhay and Kkusums eyes- Abhay insulted her. Then because she couldnt bear Abhay and Kkusums happiness- she told the docter to lie that Kkusum couldnt become become a mother and even when Abhay and Kkusum came back to the docter to transfer Kkusums eggs to Mahi, she made the docter say it wasnt possible for Kkusum.
Kshitij( Amit Sareen)- Son of Aryaman( Kkusums best friend) and Saakshi Oberoi. Big brother of Nakul.
Kshitij is very innocent with honesty and loves his little brother, Nakul and he also loves Kumud. He is also very, very gullible.
Garv( Chetan Hansraj)- is my favorite male character in the serial. He is very angel-type of a character in this serial. He is a very famous lawyer in the serial. He is Kshitijs best friend and became friends with Kumud after he won her the case against Nakul. He secretly loved Kali. Garv is strong physically and mentally but is weak when it comes to his love toward Kali.
Mahi( Poonam Narula) - Though she has no intentions of being negative, she still have some negative characteristics. Though she was a nautanki woman who was ready to do anything for money when Kkusum found her, she told Kali something respectful about her previous job before Kalis birth so that Kali wont think her wrong. Her lie has made Kkusum sort of disrespectable and dishonest before Kali. Mahi loves Abhay and is desperate for his love toward her which is ruined by Kkusum back in their lives.
Aryaman- Kkusum and Abhays best friend
Nakul and Kshitijs father
Saakshis husband
Aryaman was use to be Kkusums support in every step and my favorite character because he was always there for her. But now, when he is a father, he thinks of Nakul first and then what is right.
Harry( Saurabh Arya)-- He is very funny and is Nakuls best friend. He kind of likes Simran( Kumuds best friend), He has the negative roll because he always does what Nakul tells him to.
Sharla- Kkusums mother-in-law and Abhays mother.
Kumud and Kalis grandmother
members of the Kapoor household obey and respect her more than anyone in the family.
Nikita Chachi- She cant stand Kkusums happiness and roots for Mahi to stay in Kapoor household- she is responsible for Mahi becoming jealous of Kkusum and misunderstanding that she is trying to take aback Abhay.
Arundati Chachi- she was use to the most hated person in the serial, but now, that she doesnt like Mahi and wants Kkusum to be in the Kapoor household, her position is sort of changing- her negative moves toward Mahi are actually positive for Kkusum! She is also used as a comedian in the story by her jealousy toward Mahi.