My elder brother joined his son in klay Whitefield primary school which is in banglore.i was along with my elder brother, while he was joining his son.after few months, I went to my elder brothers home, i was playing with his son and generally, I tested him like asking a, b, c, d, .etc., he told a to z without any obstruct, he can able to tell till 20 no.s, also he can guess name of animals, and then few days later my elder brother told me to get his son from school as he was busy.then I gone there to pick his is good and in his classroom there is a projector, with the help of that, they show animals along with their names, also they show animated stories .I was there with him for minutes, I enjoyed a lot seeing that typo of approach to teach kids, finally I conclude that this klay Whitefield provides true knowledge with worth value money!