As with all children mine are no different with catching colds and having their allergies act up. We have always lived in the south and allergy season is almost year round for all of us. The worst times of year are in the spring, however when the fall season rolls around the allegories are known to attack then as well.
I use the name brands as well as the store brands. I do have a few favorites in the name brands and will only buy those types because I trust the name. Childrens Benadryl Allergy and Cold Fastmelt is one of those.
It offers an Antihistamine(which may cause drowsiness, ) a cough suppressant and a nasal decongestant; which for my kids if very helpful because most of the time their allergies causes the horrible cough and the chest to be congested, mild to high fevers, and those horrible body aches and pains. And theMama I dont feel good syndrome! Or theMama please take this away syndrome! If offers relief of a stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy watery eyes, and runny nose as well. My children generally have no trouble resting or sleeping after a dosage. And generally their sinus and or allergies are cleared up in just a few days. I must say this; that during the school year I only give a dose in the afternoon after getting home from school and again at night before going to bed. I have found that with the first onset of an allergy flare up the quicker I get the medicine into my children the quicker it works. (This is common sense after all, isn’t it?)
The dosage is: adults and children 12 years of age and older; 2 tablets, do not take more than 8 tablets in a 24 hour period or as directed by a doctor. Children ages 6 to 12; 1 tablet, do not take more than 4 tablets in a 24 hour period or as directed by a doctor. Children under 6 years of age: ask your doctor. Take each dosage every 4 hours or as instructed by your doctor.
The directions are very simple. Put the tablet or tablets in the mouth of the user and let it dissolve. I also suggest for smaller children to put the tablet on a spoon with a little water and let it dissolve that way. Let the child watch you do this. Watching the tablet go from a small round circle to smoochy little pieces fascinates them. I found that this encouraged my children when they were smaller to take the medicine better. Allow for a small drink of water as necessary.
The flavor is cherry, which is a favorite with most children. The package I buy comes with 20 dissolving tablets. And is sealed with protective glue around each opening on the side of the box which allows for child resistant packaging. And remember if that seal is broken don’t buy it. Take it up to the pharmacist, which is where you can generally find it. You can also find it in the medicine aisle at the grocery store. Sometimes it is available at the check out counters.
The price does vary depending on where you purchase it. For instance I may pay 3.99 at Wal-mart or K-mart but at the grocery store or one of those drug stores like Eckerd’s or Walgreens I may pay 4.99 for it.
As with all medicines be sure and read the warning label. Be sure to check the ingredients of each medicine you are considering to be sure that your child/children are not allergic to any of them. And be sure and ask your doctor before purchasing. Don’t assume that over the counter medicine will work for your family. This could be a deadly mistake. If your child/children are on any sedatives or tranquilizers be sure to consult your doctor before giving any medications to them.
And also keep in mind that body chemicals are different from one person to the next, as well as symptoms. What might work for my child/children may not work for yours. If it’s okay with your doctor to try then do so.
There is also an address of the company should you want to write to them for any reason. As well as an 800 number should you have any questions or comments.
I hope that this review has helped in some way. The bottom line with this medication as with any other is to consult with your child’s doctor first. And keep away from children.
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
LKD 2002