This is actually in tamilnadu. This is ahill station . I will go in evry summer of march. Here a lake is present which is a beautifull attractions to touristers . I have done a boating here with my family . they took about 500rupees for my family for boating . cycle is given for hire near we gave a 50rupees for one round around the lake for cycling.
Botonicalgarden is present just beside the lake . here entrance fee is applicable. As we enter the garden we saw a beautifull flowers arranged in beautifull couple of rows. Entire garden is planted with a beautifull plants and flowers . me and my family has gone in a package tours and trip was wonderfull another places were seen arouns such as suicide point and visionpoint etc . according to mei prefer if any one who wishes to see the nature in a beautifull way should come here and enjor beautifull nature