When I went for a Digital Camera, price was the biggest factor and that it why I bought this camera. Also I was in a hurry and so did not check out the features in detail. My mistake. So here is what is my experience of almost one year with the Kodak CX7300.
Price: The most inexpensive camera I found on the market.
Interface: Easy to get used to and easy to use.
Video: Recording quality is decent. Video files are saved as MOV files. You need Quicktime to view them.
Value for Money: Given its price, I think it is an average deal. Go for it ONLY if you urgently need to have a digital camera, but do not have the money.
Batteries: Uses Nickel Metal Halide batteries, which means extra expenditure on them. And uses a LOT of battery power when the LCD is on. So I would suggest buying 2 pairs of batteries.
Timer: 10 second timer available.
Night mode: The Night Mode is useful in very dark conditions, but most cameras fair better in this feature.
Memory: 16MB internal memory, which can be upgraded using a SD Memory Card. Extra costs here.
LCD: The screen size is small, so you cannot easily make out the quality of snaps taken, until you actually transfer the images to the Laptop.
Video: The record duration is limited to 30 seconds only after which it stops automatically. Also, Audio is NOT recorded.
Zoom: Only 3x zoom available and that too Digital, so the resolution of snaps taken in this mode is really bad. No Optical zoom.
The whole set costed me...
Camera - 6500
Memory Card - 1000
Batteries - 250
Camera Case - 450
Total Cost: Rs. 8200 (Much more than my original budget!!!)
Final Verdict: Put in some more money and go for something better (Maybe the Kodak CX7330)