I have a Kodak digital CX7525. It has several features ( for the sake of its competitors) but the main function of a standard good camera is also there. The picture quality is good and there are different options with auto/settings that help you in trouble free shoots.....then why write this review....well, there are few things you need to be aware of, and then, there is the Achilles Heal - that makes this Kodak Digital camera - a risky buy.
The camera uses power like a 7 year old uses chocolates...so always keep an extra set with you. If you are using too much of flash or the option of night shooting...then keep some more batteries...and if you are going somewhere in the snow...dont take this camera or carry a bucket full of charged batteries.
The other aspect is the digital zoom, why it is added to the camera, or for that matter, any camera, is a big wonder to me....because I have yet to see a proper picture out of a digital zoom, they are mostly blurred and mismatched. The only effective zoom is your Optical Zoom and this camera does justice to that.
The Achilles Heal is the software in the camera.There is an Error and I have got this error myself and found notes about this error at different forums in the internet. The Error is called Error #B03 and it will come on your display (pray it dosent). This is an error for which Kodak themselves have not provided any explanation and the only way out is to take the camre to the service centre. Why it comes...there is no official explanation, but to my experience and from my study of others experince as mentioned in the internet forums - it is largely a software problem that occurs while downloading the photos from the camera. If it happens during the warranty period you are saved and there is no guarantee that it will not occur again. The plum in the pudding is, this error is not restricted only to CX7525 and I have reports on this error from other Kodak users also.
Once this Error happens, the camera simply freezes and you can not use or boot it. Since this is a high-end error it is better you go to a KODAK service centre, and by the number of them that you have around...you may guess how long it takes for your camera to come back.
Since the reason for occurrance of this error is not disclosed, the problem can come anytime to anybody......and when it comes....dont blame me...I did my best :-))