Koi mil gaya....and the roshans are back yet again with another one of their fairy tales this time involving a child like hrithik and his lil buddy jaado.
it was a sunday when I got a fluke chance of seeing this movie with my recently married friend and his wife.though the idea being around young love for 3 whole hours and tht to in a blackened movie hall is not tht appetising, but the lure of the movie made me decide to a wht the heck I can handle a little mushiness and I jumped on the bandwagon to watch koi mil gaya.......
armed with popcorn and iced tea (i miss my fountain pepsi at these times) I was preparing myself for a wonderful cinematic experience but sadly I was highly disappointed at the end of the show........yes u read tht right.i was highly disappointed.no I wasnt drunk while watching the movie incase u ppl are giving me the benefit of the doubt for my statement for tht reason all together.my iced tea was definitely not spiked. I know.......the movie managed to get some rave reviews from the most critical critics.but then I would call myself a task master too.
i wouldnt want to give away too much of the plot, cos I am sure most of you here are either hrithik roshan fans or preity zinta fans and would go watch the movie for them if not anything else.so as not to ruin the experience for you all.but I feel morally obliged to point out just a few things tht I didnt find right in the movie.maybe its just me.......... hrithik roshan is a (mentally challenged) boy. I hope tht was politically correct.who lives with his widowed mother rekha.he attends the local school and has his gang of friends who follow him around faithfully in every adventure.(new age prince charming)
enters preity zinta (the fair maiden) ......new girl in town who has no clue abt hrithiks condition, considers him to be a mean green bubble gum chewing (make tht bubble gum sticking) bully.she is later corrected by momma bear (rekha)and preity decides to play the part of the fair maiden and befriends hrithik and joins the bacchas in their adventures and also makes hrithik join her in her adult ones (partying in a disc is adult behaviour ok granted but singing songs in the rain?yeah yeah I know its a hindi movie) then comes the villian (the wolf) who enjoys getting his sadistic kicks by bullying hrithik and making him feel like an under dog in front of the fair maiden.the wolf has his eyes on the fair maiden too u see.
prince charming wants to woo the fair maiden by behaving like an adult so she treats him like a real boyfriend and doesnt go ahead and marry wolfie there. enters the alien jaado(fairy god mother) who in turn of being protected by the cops and scientist grants hrithik special powers which makes him and his gang of friends win basketball matches against the wolf.fair maiden is impressed enough and now song.......
now comes the twist in the story ........fairy god mother has to get back to fairy land after all.so when the horse chariot comes calling the fairy god mother has to go.with the fairy goes all the powers too.but prince charming is the hero remember he doesnt think about himself and helps the fairy god mother get onto the chariot.
fair maiden is so in love with prince charming tht she decides to chuck practicality out of the door and sticks around with prince charming and play boyfriend-girlfriend for life with him............oh puhleassssssse.
but then every fairy tale has to have a happy ending...so somehow the fairy god mother lets prince charming retain all this special powers even though the fairy is back in fairy land.
all is well tht ends well.and the fair maiden and prince charming lived happily ever after.
where exactly was the hatke element in this movie I failed to see.
im thinking of switching career options ......i just need to go to the local bookstore and stock up with some fairy tale books and create my very own fairy tale.......with the millenium twist in it. any producers reading this feel free to contact me I should be done writing my own story in about 15 mins from now.