Koi Mil Gaya... Ha kan Mil Gaya - Alien mil Gaya!!! Now what would be the main reason anyone would watch KMG? Well the answer would be to watch Hritik Roshan as a mentally retarded and / or to wat.ch the alien.
The film gives the impression of being a sci-fi fare but it remains more of a fantasy. Its a combo of sci-fi with bollywood masala. The film is a mixture of many hollywood sci-fi flicks such as ET, Contact, Spiderman. Aliens have never been art of bollywood and Rakesh Roshan has created a user friendly movie for the alien to be accpeted by the masses of indian audiences. The plot of movie is really simple. Rohit Mehra (Hritik Roshan) is a mentally challenged boy who has had a brain damage since the time he was in his mothers womb. Sanjay Mehra [Rakesh Roshan] is a scientist, obsessed with establishing contacts with extraterrestrial life. He invents many innovative gadgets, instruments and finally succeeds in devising a computer that can transmit messages to space. His father, Sanjay Mehra (Rakesh Roshan), was a scientist who had just managed to establish contact with life on another planet, minutes before he was killed in a road accident. Years later Rohit finds his fathers computer and starts playing with it not realizing that it was sending signals to the outer space.
There are no loose ends in the plot.
Hrithik Roshan dominates the show. He has done a splendid job. The role of a mentally challenged person is no cakewalk, He manages to pull off the zero to hero routine exceptionally well. For the first half of the movie, he has a completely different voice which has been done really well by him.
Prwity Zinta has a small rolde. But she looks pretty and acts well. Her clothing throughout the movie is good except for few bits where she has those skimpy dresses.
Jadoo is cute. It does not look like a plastic toy and the effects used are amazing. The spaceship the Jadoo comes in is well made. The computer graphics are well done. The only sad bit is that Jadoo talks which slightly kills the movie.
Overall I found the first half of the movie really impressive but the second half is a diappointment. I would recommend to watch the movie just for Hrithik Roshans acting and ... well if you want to see what Jadoo looks like!!!