This is the most stupidest serial of the lot I hv ever seen in my life time. The serial is telecast between an advertisement programme of 30 minutes.It is really pathetic to see both thols and abi in sorry state of affiars in the midst of 20 other jobless performers at the mercy of poor advertisers caught by the stong media sun network. There has been more than 150 people coming and gong in the serial without knowing what they are up to and what is their actual work.
The director Mr. Thiruchuzhi is all the more confused week after week and may be in utter confusion he may bring back the dead charecter alive in the story in his forgetful nature. beware viewers. And our stupid viewers may even accept this also. I really donot know what the director is up to. Is he going to finsih and complete the serial or not??He is really making the life of viewers miserable and sorrow.
God save our viewers