Kolangal seems to be a negative influence. I dont know how the director can think of dragging on the story like this. I think Sun channel should give them a time limit by when they muct conclude the serial. We watch serials, of course apart from watching movies, only because they are thought to be closer to reality than a 3 hour long movie. But these serials and their directors seem to be testing the viewers patience a little too much. Even in movies if someone is suffering the end shows them victorious... here the good seem to be always suffering.. I dont think any character in the serial is worth emulating... No social purpose served and I think they are merely wasting viewers time.
There is too much of violence and can be compared to action movies the disgusting thing is that these serials are on for years while a movie lasts only 3 hrs.. I suppose we must stop watching these serials which show women as weak characters. It seems to uphold the fact that the evil vanquishes the good...Kolangal is the mother of all.. the story line is fractured and the director seems to be taking the story going by the TRP.