??????????I have watch the movie in theatre the movie is very good everybody should watch story is also good it start with monarch agency start a project to survey a island which is not on paper what idea come when they get satuilte image of that island then they go with soilders in chopers and after going there they fire bombs then kong came and destroy the soliders kill many so soliders understand that kong is there enemy then they thought of killing them but another group which was on another place of civilans meet a person which was a piolt have came before 28 years then they know that kong is king?? of that place and it is saving from lizard to come out and then they make a boat and go north side to go home they get information of soilders group then meet them then soilders captain take risk amd said I will kill kong but civilans said kong?? is saving all if we kill him we will get destroyed then capatin he use bomb to kill kong but kong was alive and save from lizard and they go home .
They movie was adventrous and some funny monents????? was also there and thriller and action is also there and graphics is also good.
I recomend all of you to watch this wonderful movie .
Plz like share coment if these was helpful for you.????????