Only buy from Koovs if you are sure that you will not need to either return or exchange your items. If you return your item you will not receive a refund for your purchase you will receive something called a PROMO CODE, you will NOT receive a store credit.
The PROMO CODE is basically a 100% discount coupon for the value of the purchase and it has an EXPIRY date of one month. So basically if you buy return something to KOOVS and cannot buy something within a month so money is gone!. I think you can extend the expiry date, but you will have to call their Gurgaon call centre - the bother. If you buy something less that value of the PROMO CODE in all probability you will lose your balance( I was too afraid to try out).
I did one purchase and needed to exchange it because it was the wrong size. I called the call centre for returns(you have to either call or send an email there is no returns option on the site) and they said it would be picked up but they said that I could not book and reserve a larger size. So in order to get the size I wanted I had to make another purchase(since the items were on discount and if I waited for the pick up, return and quality check process, the size I wanted would no longer be available) to get the product.
Once I got the PROMO CODE I had to purchase something that I really did not want, just to get out of the situation that I was in. So KOOVs are still pretty much the STONE AGE in the evolution of online commerce. If you need peace of mind buy from the Bangalore based ecommerce sites - be it Flipkart, Myntra or Fashionara. All three sites dont have the antiquated Quality check process followed by KOOVS. For exchange of items all three sites the replacement and reverse pick up is done at the same time, depending on the seller The courier examines the returns product and gives the replacement if all the tags etc. are on.
Myntra gives store credit for returns which does NOT expire, you can use as much or little of the store credit as you want and your balance never expires - it is your money. I think for third party purchases it depends on the third party but by and large you can be sure you wont lose your money. So that was my first and last purchase from KOOVS. Too much headache.