Ive been running from column to post, becasue my week by week routine has ended up to call the Koryo backing to settle the imperfection with my new Koryo LCD TV, which I purchased about4 months prior. I have been calling since I have purchased the TV in light of the fact that the Video data port on the TV doesnt work, and because of which I cant utilize my DVD player nor my Set Top box. I call them consistently and all they tell isgive us one more week and the part is assume to originate from Banaglore. I hear this consistently and now I am wanting to make some lawful move as its another TV and they are not by any means giving me a definate time or day when they will alter this issue. What I thing now is, on account of this is some chinese shoddy TV, the backing does not have parts I presume. Its my genuine recommendation that please purchase a decent TV as it will give a long life and not fall in trap of BigBazzar and purchase a Koryo or any modest TV