I was visitng the hospital from the beginning of my pregnancy. I was absolutely normal with normal blood pressure no gestational diabetes or low hb blood count. Also I was having the normal weight gain and baby development. all the scans and other lab reports were normal and even the nst report was normal.
Ultimately I had my labor pains and went to the hospital. before they even admitted me and before any doctor could attend me they asked us to pay Rs.10000 advance for admission. then a duty nurse attended on me and said I was in labor but was not dilated ( week 39.1).
The doctor attended me said I was not dilated and did nothing to do the same. SHE TOLD ME TO PASS MOTION THE NEXT DAY AND PAIN WILL GO! Next morning they did another nst and said everything was fine. Then the doctor advised the nurse over phone to put me on drip. She came after 2 hours did an internal and said I was not progressing. But she told me one thing which made me feel the pain more ie.OH! ULTIMATELY YOU HAVE DECIDED TO DELIVER?.
She should have had little commonsense to say I had decided labor. Then she removed the drip and put me on a plain drip and inserted some gel internally. She told the gel would improve my condition and I will be able to deliver normal ( vaginally ). She shifted me to my ward and asked me to walk around or wait for pain to increase and call her back. ultimately at 4.00p.m.
She decided to deliver the baby by a c-section without checking for either dilation or without doing an NST on the fetus. She forced my parents and husband to an extent wherein they themselves pursuaded for a c-section. After all the surgery was conducted and the bill was huge.
We never hesitated to do the same. My question to them is when I came for the check ups she never advised on any exercises or even walking to have an easy labor. At the nth minute she is asking me to walk and do all nonsense.I feel it was a worst experience.
If you have money and dont know where to spend and take more pain for what you pay do it here.