Kosmoderma has spoiled my skin beyond repair. I would like to make everyone in Bangalore aware of this horrible skin care clinic called Kosmoderma. Please friends, avoid this clinic. Because once you go there your skin will undergo so much damage that you will never recover from it. Plus you would have lost your precious money on a waste treatment. I had acne scars on my face and like any other normal woman, I wanted them to disappear. Having read the articles on Kosmoderma and Dr. Chytra Anand in the newspaper, I went there for a check-up. How much I repent it now.
Dr. Chytra Anand was very quick in giving me all the promises of "clear and glowing" skin. She advised me to undergo 6 sessions of chemical peels. By the 2nd session, my skin began to become red and very very sensitive. She said all this was normal and advised me creams and sunscreens. After applying the creams, my skin felt a little better and I decided to continue with the further sessions.
However, with every session it only got worse. By the end of the 6th session which was supposed to be the end of the treatment which was meant for clear and glowing skin, my skin was red and full of pus filled pimples and the scars looked scary and monstrous. It was frightening to even look at myself in the mirror and all that Dr. Chytra had to say was that it happens in some cases where the skin reacts over sensitively.
She says this after 6 sessions. Wasnt she supposed to know the nature of my skin and whether I would be able to tolerate those sessions or not. At the end of 6 sessions which costed me a bomb of 20, 000 rs, she had the nerve to recommend some more peels to "repair my damaged" skin. She advised 2-3 salacyclicic peels. As if I was now going to believe anything that she said. I think Dr. Chytra Anand is not a doctor at all.
In-spite of her clinic boasting all the advanced degrees that she has taken from abroad. I feel I have been cheated. I spent almost 25, 000 rs at Kosmoderma to make my skin permanently horrible, can you imagine this.