I went recently to a Delhi branch of this bank, and asked the woman a question about my account, i.e. whether one had been opened or not, she checked and replied.
Fine. She politely also asked me whether Id like any tea or coffee and also got a glass of water SENT to me, which in fact I was in bad need of and had. Later I had occasion to go there again(couple of hours later), same person, this time I asked her an actual FINANCIAL question, namely whether the news Id heard in the newspapers about being CHARGED for using one banks card in anothers ATM was true or not, and immediately - "Please talk to my manager".
Who in fact answered my question in 2 secs, and was a really nice guy. Thats not the problem. WHY HAS UDAY KOTAK HIRED SOME ONE TO SURF THE NET ALL DAY AND OFFER COFFEE? IS IT A COFFEE SHOP? Same situation at MY branch when I actually OPENED the share trading acct I talked of, I wanted it opened LATER as I was leaving to go TO Delhi, - the question was "When should I submit your papers to the bank"?
So. HEs not part of the bank then? The person I TALK to all the time, I asked him why theres NEFT and RTGS or whatever theyre called, why are there TWO, and whats the difference, he laughs and says "How should I know"? OK, why have I f*king OPENED an account at your bank then? How should I know?
The actual interest rate is good(havent actually received mine yet, but presumably THAT doesnt mess up), and maybe the share trading website is fun. Donno. Will find out.
UPDATE: Just to let you know, they dont have a USERNAME for their website, you get a NUMBER, which is written on your card, which you have to take out everytime you pay a bill, which is not nice. However, this IS added security. I wonder if they THOUGHT of this and did it on purpose or they just work this way. Anyway, your password sent to your phone is SIX digit, not 4 like SBI, i.e. added security. I like this. They did THINK.
Unfortunately, I tried to get a DEMO of my share account today, and I cant get it until mypostal literature turns up. Which it hasnt. I wish theyd thought of putting in a "demo" account or something. Would have been a nice touch.
UPDATE: When I signed up to Kotak Share Trading, the guy told me Id have to pay 40p per 100 SHARES - now, just after I DID sign up, they changed that to 40p per 100 RUPEES. You cantimagine how I feel.
I still havent actuallytraded yet.UPDATE: I just spent ONE FCKING HOUR trying to deposit money in. There was a small A4 sized note stuck to the glass - "SYSTEM DOWN", but there were TWO Counters, but one was simply not working! There WAS a girl sitting there, WHAT WAS SHE DOING? It hasnt struck them that I SHOULDNT HAVE TO FILL IN BLDY PAPERWORK IF I WANT TO DEPOSIT MONEY - WHY CANT THEY JUST SWIPE MY CARD AND GIVE ME A RECEIPT?