Kotak Securities is very helpful when it comes to customer service.They hv develop a website called https://kotakfpg.com where they flash there recent product details and a interested user can go and leave his or her detail there , so that kotak call centre guys can call the guy n close the deal.
I seriously suggest user to go atleast once to this site and see the recently launched product called Gems.The objective of gems portfolio is to invest in those companies that will be GEMS in their respective sector for last 2-3 year(as stated on the webpage).I have sign up with Kotak fpg and started my Gems portfolio its working guys.
From this account I can invest in listed companies just to avoid uncertainity.Lock in period is just one year and out of this I can expect good hand some returns not only this I wiil be assisted by my portfolio manager
Thank You KotakSecurities