I hardly ever believed in branded apparels, until I happened to try Koutons. I always thought branded cloths just charge extra money without being any good in comfort or longevity. But I realised the worth when I tried one. Koutons for sure is the brand for middle class. I say so for I feel I am one of the lot and see my pocket 1st before I go for a purchase. Their seasonal sales often 30%, 50% or 75% seem so absurd but when I visited them I felt it was worth spending the money. I felt elated when the guy over the counter swiped my SBI ATM/Debit card to deduct the money. The experience of trying out the garments and finally making a decision was satisfying since the sales persons were very helpful and knowledgeable about individual customer needs.
I purchased a T-Shirt which cost me Rs175/= and Jeanse worth 535/=. I could have ended up spending the same on a roadside local shop without anything close to Koutons. I recommend the product to all those who are a bit shaky about the branded cloths. Once they get the taste they will never remain out of touch.