I love koyla as well...
its the best place to hang out toeat some yummy hot food, ,
and its INDIAN..thats the best...
i love it too much
i duno watto write bout it, im just triyng to make up those 100 words yuo have too coz snatoz has written a lott alreadythat is really a good good description..:)
so all yuo people reading this, should go try koyla out..
its at colaba, ...just a little after taj mahal...on the roof top of gulf hotel...
thnkz!thats all id like to say bout koyla..
but there are actually many more nice restaurants in this area...like cafe basilico..itsbased on medterranian food and astes just awesome..i love it too much...you can try that out too..its at the ground floor of sentinal house, thatsalsoincolaba just about 1 minute walk from koyla!!